Friday 29 November 2019


Would that be the best to use to size it down? I also don't want to use the ineffective GUI. I can't syntax check that as some words will turn into funny characters because of opening it in Notepad. I don't know if I checked all the boxes - I'm pretty sure I did most of them, but that's the limit of my knowledge reguarding the issue. And what is a map without its triggers? x hero siege f-day 4.5.w3x

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We can't optimize, even if we drastically reduce the object count. Quite lots of language you know there. Can help me to disprotect a map? Thanks yourself for being awesome lol.

x hero siege f-day 4.5.w3x

I'll search on the Internet how to unprotect maps 2nd: It's not like the world is going to explose right now. I'm kinda busy for a meantime, I'll try to check back here as soon as possible.

I combed through the script looking for string concatenation trickery that my tools can't detect automatically, I converted every mdx to mdl and did the same with those, I wrote a new script will be useful later for extracting additional file path possibilities from wc3's data files w3d - doodads not data, w3b, w3u, w3t, w3s, w3h, w3a, imp, etc…but still did not find everything.

As i've spoken on my mail time is money. Another few google searches ensued but that ended with me being even more confused than I was before. I tried the best on grammar, because I noticed you are pretty picky on that note: I could give you the BS "I'm a new map maker help me by deprotecting something" But I'm not going to: It should be exactly where you saved, in a folder called YourMap.

x hero siege f-day 4.5.w3x

Thanks for letting me know it's finally out. Deprotecting a protected map is just wrong. It tells you how to make the editor crash upon saving.

I now receive at least 5 new spam emails per day just to this one throwaway address alone. The funniest thing is i was about to release this last version on my map and quit and this one is full of bugs. Common sense dictates when to use triggering unit and when to introduce variables.

x hero siege f-day 4.5.w3x

I dont personally own sc2, but I have several friends who do. The reason why only one error shows up initially, is because of the unterminated string. Weird, because when I try to open the campaign into the campaign editor it says: May I ask you a question? What is it called and can you briefly describe how it's done?

list of custom maps - forums

It is called Island Defense, although it has some pretty steep protection, If possible I would like the triggers in GUI, I'm not yet very proficient in JASS at the moment, and I feel the map is going to shit, so I have a friend who is a more experienced editor who would like to f-ady the map out I AM willing to pay you if you want, though I know you will, lol P.

I finally got around to testing the. And I bet JassCraft could open open it fine as well. You will most likely break it for the first few tries. If I misunderstood your intent, please let me know. You 1st said "Save a copy.

Anyway you're a great guy!!

Visiting parents, then grandparents, then my nieces and nephews. Hacking RPGs to show off is okay with me. Plus, I don't know if the program would do it all by itself or I'd need to first learn how to use siegee program and how to do it… Because the campaign has around… Idk, maybe 5 triggers corrupted or something like that… I suggest that you play the campaign, just so you know what I'm talking about.

It has been a pleasure seeing the World Editor being taken to the extreme, thank you. What's wrong with the triggers.

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