Monday 2 December 2019


In Ihe Andes 1. In this re gaii Ihe U. The government should lake an early oppnrftmity to e. It is for that rea. VI a m Matins will be cm. No community can thrixe without the steady volume of pfo- duction xxhich makes payrolls possible in the first place. R bAAIaramp ' lAp. f kay kina nhana

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July 4 to 7.

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Now perfect roasts time after time after time. F'T Islaml Highway, and her R. SK A two-hour show full of fun and surprises. From a community standpoint the move foretKxies not only the loss of a popular and progressive firm which for decades has maintained a ronsislenlly ky payroll in the city, but also further shnnkage in industrial activity. The I'nited Nations commission on narcotic drug.

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IS to 16 Cangee — Cruiser Ontaiio. While manned interception lasts it will be by je! Cooler Winds souther- ly Barne and I will help you carry your picket tigns.

A 'ikeni' I 'll lo 5i Moreover the government of Ihe C. Aaniiiv aU y-Ml rlotbr.

Full text of "The Daily Colonist ()"

Jim McNulty Aiihie Rrowm. Mc,s g Gilliesfup, Mrs. Immigtailon Minister Fall Clough confirmed reports that except for certain cla. This dog lagging of Ihe populace might also lead, depending on pdilical limate and events, lo the selective denial of rights thiough.

IP twa'i miM it.

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Apart fmm the Centennial mile telecast, best show today should be the Belmont stakes. A cam S I Anad.

Strong elaalic top to prevant ilipping. I I-t -Col, Jack Kaweett. Margarei'i School closing Rev.

23 Ago Dominican...

Iiisholm Sacrament of the I. Kihg the transfer of. Two other items for a longer skin beauty life: B Th Paaiar Tara Bar'lay. The government Is in a posiiton lo rule without regard to popular controls, although publtr opinion Is not ignored.

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When she awoke yesterday momlnR there wa. Island llonpymoonprs Austro-German union took place recently when Mr. Join in and win. If the air force reserve is kima he taken off jet machines the existence of a second line at home and the number of fully trained jet pilots may be. Offiieis at the Fien. Black with white trim.

Count Fleet, Assault and 'nation. The new international high- way aiTOiding to. Victoria newsmen will see the show but actual partici- pation doesn't extend beyond Vancouver.

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